Junior web developer

Company name: 
Web People

Responsible for taking the client’s website specifications and developing them into the function aspects of the website ensuring strong functionality and optimisation, using programming code (Flex, PHP, HTML, CSS, XSLT, MYSQL and XML languages) and design skills (Photoshop and tools specific to the client’s software requirements). Testing the software using accessibility guidelines, coding standards to agreed service levels and time scales.

Responsible for ensuring the software is available for the MD, Technical Director or Account Manager to present to the client for approval within agreed time scales.

Responsible for making any changes agreed to the software, design and functionality that may be necessary and testing again in order for the MD, Technical Manager or Account Manager to represent to the client for approval if required.

When approval is given by the client for the software to go live, responsible for moving files and code to the appropriate location; ensuring that it is functioning to the same standards and testing where appropriate.


Contact details: 

01234 567 890

Local government area: 
AbiaAba North